That is a lovely photo - I'll be lighting mine later on when it gets dark as the transition will have taken place and Trish will be will Honey, I so hope.
Hugs to you, Honey, And I'll be thinking of you all day tomorrow.
a) sign up to a Blogger account b) send me the email you used to sign up to the Blogger account, to mariannefarrarhockley * gmail . com (obviously add necessary punctuation to that)
and then I will list you among the people who can post in the settings for the blog.
If you don't want to do all that, don't worry, you can still comment as Anonymous as per Honey's own blog.
That is a lovely photo - I'll be lighting mine later on when it gets dark as the transition will have taken place and Trish will be will Honey, I so hope.
Hugs to you, Honey,
And I'll be thinking of you all day tomorrow.
We're thinking of you all.
Thinking of you too Honey. Praying hard.
By the way, I think you're fab too Marianne. x
Oops - that was Vida.
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