You are going home today and it must be very exciting and daunting.
I thought I would share today an unusual look at the private life of a special resident of these shores. No, don't look at the beach hut on the pier and the beautiful sand. Look at the splishy splashy events going on in the front of the picture. (clicky to embiggen)
That's turtles mating.
It's a delightfully splashy affair. At a mean weight of about 150 kilos each, they both try to hover at the waterline, splashing their front flippers to keep their heads above water. Meanwhile one can only surmise at the slippery shelly grappling that goes on below the waves.
It's a good thing conservation agencies are encouraging tourists to come out at night to usher the hatchlings down to the waterline, so that land predators can't get them. Because quite frankly when one observes the moment of their conception, it's amazing the wee beasties are conceived at all.
Enjoy your homecoming
Love you