Dearest Honey,
You're saying to yourself, yes a net, pretty net, but what has that got to do with me?
The thing is that this represents the net of YOUR love, the ties of friendship and love you have let out into the waters of life for as long as I've known you and probably for much longer before.
When I was sick, you took care of me and organised a rota of friends to come and feed me (mainly with a well-known grape-based anti-depressant analgesic, from the little I recall). You accompanied me to the hospital for my tests, carrying unspeakable samples back to the nurses for me. You were so full of rejoicing when I started to walk again. I've seen you do as much and more for lots of people, people I know well, people I know less well, anyone who needed you, you were there any time of the night or day with open arms and an open house and an open heart. You healed us all.
Tons of people could tell their own story of the strength of your friendship. That's the net you've cast, and it it "HUUUUUUUGE", as you would say.
Now the net of love is closing and bringing in with it the love and care that everyone not only owes you, but also holds for you beyond duty or gratefulness or debt. They love you and care because you are such a strong, supportive person. We are all fish of laughter and love, caught in your net of friendship.
Pema is beautiful, and strong, and the very spit of her mother.
Love you